We’re thrilled to announce the outstanding success of Dona Zarova, Angela Koleva, and Natalija Stojanovska from Veles at the Hackathon for Tourism Innovation! 

These incredible young women have conquered the competition with their business idea—an online platform for unique tourist experiences that will boost tourism development in our region.
This success was the culmination of a startup program that included a five-day Design Thinking workshop and an intense 48-hour Hackathon. At the event, six teams pitched their tourism ideas to potential investors and business leaders.
Our judges, Ivana Stankovic, Marijana Milevska, and Todor Miladinovski, had the tough task of selecting the best ideas.
We are especially proud that the local government recognizes and supports initiatives for boosting business innovations and development. Mayor of Veles Municipality Marko Kolev, also took part in the pitching event.

Activities are part of the INNO-ECOSYSTEM project, co-funded by the European Union and national funds of the participating countries through the Interreg IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program.