LB Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece

The Association of Information Technology Companies of Northern Greece (SEPVE) founded in April 1994 as a private non-for-profit organisation. From its foundation it has been the only collective body representing the interests and concerns of the IT businesses active in Northern Greece. Today SEPVE proudly numbers more than 250 member enterprises. SEPVE has also focused on organizing business delegations to countries in South Eastern Europe. These visits have provided the Association’s members with the opportunity to enter into valuable commercial agreements, and to stay abreast of developments in information technology beyond our national frontiers. SEPVE is today playing its part in a key stage in the evolution of the information technology sector. As the world moves forward into the new environment of the digital economy, SEPVE is ready to proceed to innovations, which will make its member companies, active partners in the growth of the Information Society in South Eastern Europe.

PB2 Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development PREDA PLUS
(Republic of North Macedonia)
PREDA Plus acts as a main hub of various resources for donor organizations, co-funding agencies, national, regional and municipal government organizations, private sector organizations, universities and higher education Institutes, non-governmental organizations and consulting firms of the region (in North Macedonia and Western Balkan countries).
The main rationale for the creation of PREDA Plus was to prolong the servicing capacities that were previously developed for the business community on one hand and for the municipalities and donor organizations on the other hand. The second aspect is related to the EU accession process undergone in Balkans and the idea of creating a hub for resources accessible by all relevant stakeholders. Having been part of the socio- economic regional development system, PREDA Plus have established good working relations with many organizations providing technical assistance and organizational development on regional and national level in Macedonia and Balkans, and effective team working in the development during the past 13 years.
In the last 8 years, PREDA Plus evolved into one of the main startup and innovation ecosystem builders in North Macedonia ( In the period from 2015 and 2018, PREDA Plus technically assisted the first acceleration programs in the country led by Seavus Incubator, SEEU Tech Park and University St. Kliment Ohridski in Bitola. These interventions generated EUR 0.5 million in sales through accessing 109 new clients resulting with the creation of 96 new jobs (83% young). Since 2018, PREDA Plus has been committed to building startups, supporting 6 batches of startups.
Vision: PREDA Plus is a promoter of sustainable economic development and social prosperity through the facilitation of public, private and civil initiatives, on local/regional level in the Balkans.
Mission: Continuous improvement of development processes and promotion of unique models for sustainable development.
PREDA Plus main tasks: 1) Business Sector Development (Corporates, SMEs and Startups), 2) Good governance, 3) Project and grant management, 4) Organizational development and 5) Socio-economic development.

PB3 Center for Development of the Vardar Planning Region
(Republic of North Macedonia)
The Center for Development of the Vardar Planning Region functions as an expert administrative body of the Council for Development of the Vardar Planning Region. Pursuant to the territorial division of the Republic of Macedonia into eight planning regions and the provisions of the Law on Balanced Regional Development for establishing a technical body for regional development service in the Vardar planning region, the Center for Development of the Vardar planning region is based in Veles as the municipality with the largest number of inhabitants. The Center for Development of the Vardar Planning Region works in accordance with the 5-year Programme for Development of the Vardar Planning Region with the following strategic objectives and priority measures:
– Improvement of the regional infrastructure
– Promotion of economic development in the region
– Environmental protection in the region
– Strengthening of the human potential
– Preventing the youth population from immigration.
In its long-term operation, CDVPR has implemented a vast number of projects covering a large number of target groups in the region.
-Construction, reconstruction of buildings of local importance: schools, cultural centers, NGO Centers
-Construction and reconstruction of local & regional roads
-Procurement of equipment for kindergartens, schools, health centers, colleges
-Procurement of means of transportation for public utility companies, health centers, firefighting units
-Procurement of equipment for marginalized categories, for their easier inclusion and resocialization in society.
In frames of this project the Center for Development of the Vardar Planning Region has renovated a municipal building and opened Vardar Innovation Hub to mark a major leap forward in supporting innovation across the Vardar Planning Region. The opening of the hub marks the beginning of the startup program to support tourism innovations in the Vardar region. The goal of this program is to provide active knowledge and support for the development of innovative businesses in the tourism sector through the guidance of various mentors in this field. This is just the beginning of an exciting journey filled with events and initiatives that will shape our future with the help of the Center for Development of the Vardar Planning Region.